Saturday, December 22, 2007

Brandon's Arrival in Hong Kong

Cindy is here helping me add a picture. Here is one of Brandon at the beginning of his mission. He says on the back of the picture that the look on his face pretty much sums up the way he has felt since he has been there!! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Hope your Christmas is as Bright and Cheery as ours is!!! We're so excited to have some of you visit us in Utah this Christmas. We're definitely going to need help taking down the lights!!!!! Love to you all.......

Saturday, October 13, 2007

One of Colson's Amazing Interceptions.......

of the night!! Look at his incredible form. Here's a picture from the Deseret News. Go Colson!!Here's another photo of Colson tackling. Looks like a future Dallas Cowboy to me.......

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Healys in Houston

Here are a few pictures of the Healys in Houston....this is Cindy writing, by the way. We had a GREAT time visiting with them and are so grateful that they got to come down. (I even had them at my house for a couple of days while they went to Six Flags!!!!

**note, the christmas house above is not the Healy house, jk ~ trying to see if anybody notices**

Coley, Coley!!